Matt and I thought we'd take a walk around the neighborhood with Wyatt the other day..and since we live in the foothills of the's not really a leisure walk on flat terrain. So...we thought we'd take Wyatt in the carrier so we wouldn't have to push the stroller around on the steep hills. Much to Wyatt's chagrin, we had to load him up on baby sunscreen and mandatory sun hat. (It's late spring here...It's still hard to get used to. Christmases here consist of barbecues and laying out by the pool. )
Of course, the trip wasn't exciting enough for our little guy and either he's praying that he can get another set of parents that actually know what they are doing..or our plan really worked and the walk tired him out.
Wyatt sure does love taking a nap on his dad. We just went to have Wyatt's picture taken for his US passport and all of the posing for the camera sure is tiring for an 8 week old!
That third picture is totally frame-worthy. Love it. :)